How Are We Doing?

How are we doing?

We’re always working to improve the experiences of those who access our services. We want to hear what’s working and how we can do better. This is not a way to contact us and is not meant to receive disclosures or reports of sexual violence. If you have a question or need help, you’ll find information throughout this website, or you can contact us directly. Please note that your feedback will be sent directly to the Centre’s Director, Angela Treglia. Should you wish for the Director to follow-up with you regarding your feedback, please complete the contact information at the end of the survey. If you would like to provide anonymous feedback, do not fill out the contact information.

  • Please rate from 0 (Least Likely) to 10 (Most likely)
  • (Name, Email and Phone Number)
  • Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback about your experience with the Sexual Violence Prevention and Support Centre!