Disclose or Report

Disclosing or Reporting Sexual Violence

If you have been affected by sexual violence or harassment, contact the Sexual Violence Prevention and Support Centre. We will explain your options under the University’s Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment, and help you understand what the process may involve.

Understanding the Difference

The University of Toronto’s Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment distinguishes between a disclosure and a report of sexual violence or harassment.

Disclosing or reporting are separate decisions that result in different levels of response or action by the University.

Telling a Member of the University Community about an Incident of Sexual Violence

  • Disclosure is simply sharing your experience of sexual violence. A disclosure does not launch any kind of formal process, and it does not have to include significant or specific detail.
  • You can disclose to anyone – a friend or fellow student, colleague, faculty member, staff member, teaching assistant. You can also disclose to the Centre.
  • When you disclose to the Centre, we will make available support and services, and can discuss whether counselling, access or referrals to medical services, and academic and other accommodations may be appropriate. You do not have to make a report to access these services.
  • A disclosure does not lead to a report unless you want it to.

Telling a Designated Member of the University Community about an Incident of Sexual Violence to Initiate a Formal Process

  • To initiate a formal process, such as a disciplinary process through the University, a report must be made.
  • A report includes specific details of what happened, when, where and who was involved.
  • You can report an incident of sexual violence to the University through the Centre.
  • Reporting to the Centre about an incident involving a member of the University community may trigger an independent internal investigation or other process that can ultimately result in academic or workplace accommodations, suspension, expulsion, or other forms of disciplinary action. The University may impose interim measures to keep the complainant and the respondent separate, such as:
    • Changes to class, academic or work schedules
    • Changes to residence accommodations
    • Other measures provided for under the Code of Student Conduct, collective agreements, employment agreements, or human resources policies, depending on whether the respondent is a student, staff, or faculty member
  • To report an incident of sexual violence to the University, contact the Centre.
  • It is up to you whether, when, how, and to which body you want to report an incident of sexual violence. You may want to seek independent legal advice as part of your decision-making process.
  • If you are an employee of the University of Toronto and are represented by a union, you have the right to be accompanied by a Union representative at any stage of the process.

Police Report:

  • You also have the option to make a report to Campus Police and local police.
  • A report made to the police is separate from a report made to the University.
  • Reporting to Campus or local police may trigger a police investigation and may result in criminal proceedings.
  • If Campus Police receives a report they will also inform the Centre that a report of sexual violence has been made.
  • You can speak to the Centre, Campus Police or review this website to learn more about reporting to the police.